Hope your Christmas went as you wished and your merriment was festive and joyous. I am writing this on Christmas Eve, so no insights about my Christmas just yet. As I mentioned Christmas week is going to be a bit of mish-mash of posts and such, so apologies for the schedule changes, but things will return to normal in the new year.
Careful at the Boxing Day mayhem, buy things you need, not things you want.
On my Twitter Feed, I highlighted lots of interesting pre-Christmas posts I have made over the past 7 years or so:
- I got a little darker, with my Opinion: What do I NEED for Christmas, and that is a good question, what do you NEED?
- Are Gift Cards the New Currency ? It seems to be more popular than cash, these days.
- Some folks do this, but I won’t Charity as a Christmas Present, I do like the Seinfeldian reference.
- Remembering my Dad with Fathers and Money, it will be our first Christmas without him.
- I still agree with my statement from 7 years ago The Canadian Government Hates Single Income Families.
- And for Christmas Eve, I gave a Few Last Yuletide Thoughts.

Previous Boxing Days?
I have written on the topic of Boxing Day a few times.
- Boxing Day? Big Bloody Deal! was my first rant about the day. In 2006 there were sales, but were they that exciting?
- Let the Boxing Quarter Begin does sum up the entire concept of Boxing “day”, it just keeps going on.
- Just because it’s on sale, another classic rant about impulse buying the day after Christmas, 2008.
- Holiday Cheer Volume 4 got lazy in 2009 and just put out a list of posts from that year.
- Carnival of Money Stories: Happy Pseudo Boxing Day! Back in the day when Blogging Carnivals were all the rage (2009).
- Sales and What is the Price?!? started to figure out the connection between Black Friday and Boxing Day sales. Neither really saved you much, did they? Not really in 2010.
- Happy Pseudo Boxing Day was just really a best of kind of post, no real commentary on Boxing Day itself.
- Mayhem and Sunday’s Best (on Monday) it seems that Boxing Day was an excuse for me to post a best of posts list? This article seems to prove the point?
- Advice for the day in 2012? Don’t buy crap, which is good advice any time. If something you need is on sale, buy it, if not, don’t!
- One Thing You Can Buy on the day is to buy something you need.
- Mayhem is always present on Boxing Day, but remember just because it is on sale, doesn’t mean you have to buy it.
- The 12 Days of Christmas Debt is something to think about on Boxing Day? Maybe think about that at Thanksgiving?
- Weirdest Boxing Day Ever? What do you expect during a Pandemic, I suppose?
- Happy Boxing Day 2023! Will we return to the mayhem we are used to?