Black Friday, the tradition of mad mob scenes, with people trampling their fellow man so they can get a new XBOX for $200 (after sitting in line for 12 hours). While I must admit that I have bought 1 or 2 things at a “Boxing Day” sale, however, sitting in line and then using your best Ju Jitsu moves to fight your fellow man off, does not strike me as something I really do want to do.
Writings from November 27, 2009
- Charity as a Holiday Present should be on your list every holiday
- Cell Phones (the saga continues) back in the day, the iPhone was not king (yet).
- Cell Phones (a continuing saga)
- Risks in Life (Finale) need to deal with all risks
- Christmas is Coming it always is
- Random Thoughts: For a Parasitic Website titles are never dull

Black Day in November
Well with the news of possible failures in Dubai, this Friday may not just be Black Friday for shopping reasons, but let’s see what the Financial Bloggers had to write about this week.
- Michael James helps us Understand Car Lease Payments, and points out that his math is good, but leasing is still bad (IMHO).
- Preet at WhereDoesAllMyMoneygo has been having some guest posts this week and an interesting one is Gift Giving For Less (unfortunately, it does mention Charity as a Present, which is a pet peeve).
- Larry MacDonald asks the financial question Bonds vs. Bond ETF, an interesting discussion ensues.
- Gail Vaz-Oxlade discusses Creating the Illusion of Scarcity, an interesting spin on things, but maybe a little optimistic.
- Ellen Roseman complains Help I am Being Gouged for Spam Text Messages, don’t get me started Ellen, I have already Ranted about Bell Mobility this week!
- The Four Pillars brings a Holiday Spirit with the post Tips For Watching a Christmas Parade with Kids . My tip? Pay teenage kid $40 to take kids, and stay home.
- It’s Just Money is possessed by E-Book Readers? Evidently THE gift for this year, I’ll listen to them on CDs instead :-).
Enjoy the weekend, and remember to get your Snow Tires on SOON!
Black Friday Thoughts
I have written about this day many times
- Black Friday, was the first time I wrote about this day of celebration.
- Random Thoughts on a Black Friday was some perspectives from 2009.
- Black Friday: The Hype, the carnage but why? Very good question to ask.
- Things to Buy on Black Friday everything? Nothing? Who knows?
- It’s Almost Black Friday and some other thing too what matters more than that?
Thanks for the mention. In math we trust.
Thanks Big C! I try to post 5 times a week but it’s not always possible.
Thanks for the link. FYI, the next time someone in the office is raising money or selling cookies/chocolates, I’ll just tell them to send you a bill directly, and I’ll eat the goods. Thanks in advance. 😛
As I, will you, good sir 🙂